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Delphi Nile

Priestess and Witch

I am a High Priestess of Traditional British Wica, and have been working both alone and as a member (and later leader) of covens since the late 1990s.  I have been reading tarot since my early teens. In my spiritual life I have been trained to lead and guide. In my professional life, I have been trained to teach and support. It was inevitable that at some point these worlds would meet, and I have immense gratitude that I live in a world where this is a possibility.  
As well as running my coven,the Scales of the Dyad situated in South Wales, I offer one-to-one readings, consultations, facilitation of life rites such as handfastings, requiems and naming ceremonies, house blessings and cleansings, and a variety of fun and educational workshops on a range of subjects from beginners witchcraft and magic , to tarot, to binding and banishing. 
By choosing to work with me, you receive a bespoke, warm, humorous, magical and human experience. My years of craft training combined with years of teaching and course facilitation help me to provide what I believe to be just the right balance of professional and approachable. 
If you come to me for a reading, a healing therapy, as your reiki master or life coach, our session will be confidential, and you will be treated with absolute respect and dignity regardless of what we discuss. 
Please check out my reviews section to see what others have to say about their experience of working with me. 

Home: Welcome

Who am I? - the backstory 

Once upon a time ...

Just your standard card reading, spell working, Old Gods worshipping mama...
I was raised by a Roman Catholic father and a Protestant mother, and was aware of my own spirituality from a young age.  As a child I wanted to be a nun, because that is the only role I knew women to have in the spiritual world. My views on religion changed as I grew, but not on my purpose in this world. I have always seen things differently to the majority. By the tender age of seventeen I'd been practicing chiromancy and cartomancy for several years whilst also running the Christian Union at college. Inevitably, my Tarot cards got confiscated and I am was duly lectured on using the "devil's playing cards". And so I learned to cast the stones...
It wasn't long before I left the Christian church to follow my own path. Whilst I was researching Romany magic in a bid to connect with part of my ancestry, I stumbled across a page called Witchvox (I think) that had a page containing a Wicca FAQ, and to my utter surprise found that there was an existing path already that very closely matched the way I saw things. 
I devoured every bit of information I could on Witchcraft, Wicca, Wica, and magickal practice in general. I had come home.  I worked alone then until my second year of university, when I came across my first active coven.  I joined and within the year was initiated as a Alexandrian Priestess.   I worked with that coven for nigh on 8 years. It was non traditional but a superb environment to grow in and an experience I will never regret. 
I then withdrew from coven life to focus on my young family until I could ignore the less than subtle nudges from the universe no longer... In 2010 I returned to my studies and became rooted on the path of priesthood more firmly than ever. By 2016 I was a High Priestess, running my own coven. I founded and ran the Coven of the Rising Star in Glastonbury with Peter Nash, and founded it's sister coven the Mirror of Hathor in Pontypridd. The Rising Star is currently dormant, and I disbanded the Mirror of Hathor after almost 9 years in order to explore new territory. I am now High Priestess of a new coven , the Scales of the Dyad in Aberdare-exploring a fusion of traditional British witchcraft with a refreshing, earthy and beautifully feral path.
After the COVID lockdowns, a remarkable number of my Tarot /Oracle/Reiki clients expressed an interest in deepening their spirituality and /or exploring witchcraft and magic. A lot of these people did not know where to start, but nor were they looking for coven training. It occurred to me that there needs to be a safe space for people to gently explore the world of magic without the commitment or the deep dive that is joining a coven. And so, in early 2021, my Delphi Nile workshops were born. Years of private training circles finally made it out of the shadows and into the community, and also, my coven opened its doors to celebrate the Sabbats with the local pagan community. It has been incredibly well received with some incredible collaborations and best of all, my daughters who have been raised in the Craft, have come along for the ride...
Since then, everything has gone bananas, and I have simply given over the reigns to the Gods - I shall continue to go where they direct me. So far so good 😁
*Please note that my coven is in no way linked to the business of Delphi Nile or FAAFO Spellcraft. What I teach in my workshops is not traditional Wica, but accessible, practical, hands-on and non oath-bound witchcraft.  
Should you require traditional teaching within a Coven environment, you are welcome to approach me to discuss.  

Home: About

What can I do for you?

Here are the services I currently offer

I offer bespoke workshops, rituals and ceremonies according to your needs. I take time to work with you to understand exactly what it is you are looking for, in order to provide the best possible experience for yourself and all involved.Get in touch to discuss what I could offer you.

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Home: Services


Holding space for you, let's talk 

I offer a selection of readings according to your needs, from a quick question spread to a full rune and tarot spread. 

House blessing/cleansing

Let's clean house!

Moving into a new home? Funky vibes kicking around? Usually you will be able to take care of this yourself, and I am happy to advise. On the rare occasion you may need to call somebody in, I am happy to discuss and help if I can. 


Magic and witchcraft workshops

Educational and fun!

Whether it be your first dip into magic and Witchcraft, exploring the realms of root work, blending your own incense, candle magic, or navigating your way through the tarot, I am here to guide you. I have a vast array of workshops to offer, from the more academic history of goddess worship to sticky hands-on sessions that put the CRAFT in witchcraft.  Please get in touch to discuss your needs.

FAAFO Spellcraft 

Get in touch if you would like to see us at your event!

This quirky little market stall was originally the brain baby of my daughters to give them a way of entertaining themselves and making some pocket money while I was busy reading at fayres and events. Along the way we have collaborated more and more with the magnificent Morbitorium and now offer a diverse range of curiosities and oddities as well as divination tools, spell bottles, and witchbells crafted by ourselves.


Celebrant services

Drop me a message to discuss your needs.

Human beings, by nature, take both comfort and joy in ritual and tradition.  If you are looking for a priestess to oversee or lead your Rite of Passage I would be happy to help. From beginning of life to end, naming rites to hand fastings to death midwifery and requiem, I will support you and/or hold space for you. 

Black and White Star in Circle

Opening Hours

Reach out

No set times - reach out with a message anytime and I will respond when I can. Please keep phone calls to sociable hours

Home: Opening Hours
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